Guild Wars 2 - Elite Insights
JSON doc
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CEXTJsonBarrierDistClass corresponding a barrier distribution
 CEXTJsonBarrierStatisticsClass representing general statistics
 CEXTJsonIncomingBarrierStatisticsIncoming barrier statistics
 CEXTJsonOutgoingBarrierStatisticsOutgoing barrier statistics
 CEXTJsonHealingDistClass corresponding a healing distribution
 CEXTJsonHealingStatisticsClass representing general statistics
 CEXTJsonIncomingHealingStatisticsIncoming healing statistics
 CEXTJsonOutgoingHealingStatisticsOutgoing healing statistics
 CEXTJsonMinionsBarrierStatsClass regrouping minion related Barrier statistics
 CEXTJsonMinionsHealingStatsClass regrouping minion related healing statistics
 CEXTJsonPlayerBarrierStatsClass regrouping player related barrier statistics
 CEXTJsonPlayerHealingStatsClass regrouping player related healing statistics
 CJsonActorBase class for Players and NPCs
 CJsonActorCombatReplayDataClass corresponding to an actor's combat replay data
 CJsonBuffsUptimeClass representing buff on targets
 CJsonBuffsUptimeDataTarget buff item
 CJsonCombatReplayMetaDataCombat Replay meta data
 CCombatReplayMapRepresents a combat replay map
 CJsonConsumableClass representing consumables
 CJsonDamageDistClass corresponding a damage distribution
 CJsonDamageModifierDataClass representing damage modifier data
 CJsonDamageModifierItemClass corresponding to a buff based damage modifier
 CJsonDeathRecapClass corresponding to a death recap
 CJsonDeathRecapDamageItemElementary death recap item
 CJsonLogThe root of the JSON
 CBuffDescDescribs the buff item
 CDamageModDescDescribs the damage modifier item
 CExtensionDescDescribes an extension
 CSkillDescDescribes the skill item
 CJsonMechanicsClass corresponding to mechanics
 CJsonMechanicClass corresponding to a mechanic event
 CJsonMinionsClass corresponding to the regrouping of the same type of minions
 CJsonNPCClass representing an NPC
 CJsonPhaseClass corresponding to a phase
 CJsonPlayerClass representing a player
 CJsonPlayerBuffsGenerationClass representing buffs generation by player actors
 CJsonBuffsGenerationDataPlayer buffs generation item
 CJsonRotationClass corresponding to a rotation
 CJsonSkillClass corresponding to a skill
 CJsonStatisticsClass representing general statistics
 CJsonDefensesAllDefensive stats
 CJsonDPSDPS stats
 CJsonGameplayStatsGameplay stats
 CJsonGameplayStatsAllGameplay stats
 CJsonPlayerSupportSupport stats