Guild Wars 2 - Elite Insights
JSON doc
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GW2EIJSON.JsonNPC Class Reference

Class representing an NPC. More...

Inheritance diagram for GW2EIJSON.JsonNPC:


int Id [get, set]
 Game ID of the target.
int FinalHealth [get, set]
 Final health of the target.
int FinalBarrier [get, set]
 Final barrier on the target.
double BarrierPercent [get, set]
 % of barrier remaining on the target
double HealthPercentBurned [get, set]
 % of health burned
int FirstAware [get, set]
 Time at which target became active.
int LastAware [get, set]
 Time at which target became inactive.
IReadOnlyList< JsonBuffsUptimeBuffs [get, set]
 List of buff status.
bool EnemyPlayer [get, set]
 Indicates that the JsonNPC is actually an enemy player.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< double > > BreakbarPercents [get, set]
 Array of double[2] that represents the breakbar percent of the actor
Value[i][0] will be the time, value[i][1] will be breakbar %
If i corresponds to the last element that means the breakbar did not change for the remainder of the fight
- Properties inherited from GW2EIJSON.JsonActor
string Name [get, set]
 Name of the actor.
int TotalHealth [get, set]
 Total health of the actor. -1 if information is missing (ex: players)
uint Condition [get, set]
 Condition damage score.
uint Concentration [get, set]
 Concentration score.
uint Healing [get, set]
 Healing Power score.
uint Toughness [get, set]
 Toughness score.
uint HitboxHeight [get, set]
 Height of the hitbox, please not that the center of the box is at the feet of the agent.
uint HitboxWidth [get, set]
 Width of the hitbox.
ushort InstanceID [get, set]
 ID of the actor in the instance.
ulong TeamID [get, set]
 The team ID of the actor.
Mainly useful for WvW logs to differentiate targets from different servers.
In PvE logs, the situation is always a simple Friend vs Foe situation. \ If value is equal to 0 then no information regarding TeamID was present for given actor.
IReadOnlyList< JsonMinionsMinions [get, set]
 List of minions.
bool IsFake [get, set]
 Indicates that the JsonActor does not exist in reality.
IReadOnlyList< JsonStatistics.JsonDPSDpsAll [get, set]
 Array of Total DPS stats
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< JsonStatistics.JsonGameplayStatsAllStatsAll [get, set]
 Stats against all
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< JsonStatistics.JsonDefensesAllDefenses [get, set]
 Defensive stats
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< JsonDamageDist > > TotalDamageDist [get, set]
 Total Damage distribution array
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< JsonDamageDist > > TotalDamageTaken [get, set]
 Damage taken array Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< JsonRotationRotation [get, set]
 Rotation data.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< int > > Damage1S [get, set]
 Array of int representing 1S damage points
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< int > > PowerDamage1S [get, set]
 Array of int representing 1S power damage points
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< int > > ConditionDamage1S [get, set]
 Array of int representing 1S condition damage points
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< double > > BreakbarDamage1S [get, set]
 Array of double representing 1S breakbar damage points
Length == # of phases.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< int > > ConditionsStates [get, set]
 Array of int[2] that represents the number of conditions
Array[i][0] will be the time, Array[i][1] will be the number of conditions present from Array[i][0] to Array[i+1][0]
If i corresponds to the last element that means the status did not change for the remainder of the fight
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< int > > BoonsStates [get, set]
 Array of int[2] that represents the number of boons
Array[i][0] will be the time, Array[i][1] will be the number of boons present from Array[i][0] to Array[i+1][0]
If i corresponds to the last element that means the status did not change for the remainder of the fight.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< int > > ActiveCombatMinions [get, set]
 Array of int[2] that represents the number of active combat minions
Array[i][0] will be the time, Array[i][1] will be the number of active combat minions present from Array[i][0] to Array[i+1][0]
If i corresponds to the last element that means the status did not change for the remainder of the fight.
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< double > > HealthPercents [get, set]
 Array of double[2] that represents the health status of the actor
Array[i][0] will be the time, Array[i][1] will be health %
If i corresponds to the last element that means the health did not change for the remainder of the fight
IReadOnlyList< IReadOnlyList< double > > BarrierPercents [get, set]
 Array of double[2] that represents the barrier status of the actor
Array[i][0] will be the time, Array[i][1] will be barrier %
If i corresponds to the last element that means the health did not change for the remainder of the fight
JsonActorCombatReplayData CombatReplayData [get, set]
 Contains combat replay related data.

Detailed Description

Class representing an NPC.

Property Documentation

◆ Buffs

IReadOnlyList<JsonBuffsUptime> GW2EIJSON.JsonNPC.Buffs

List of buff status.

See also

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